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Hi from Portugal


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Hi Everyone,


Beforehand, sorry for not writing in italian. My name is Francisco, I'm from Portugal, living in Lisbon, and have a Tracer 900 GT that I've bought new in 2019.


I've already changed some stuff on the bike and flashed the ECU, having on dyno 130hp at crankshaft, 120hp at wheel. 


I'm pretty happy with the bike, and now it came the moment to upgrade the suspension - and that's the reason why I've signed up to this forum ?

Already placed the order for a Wilbers 641 Competition Nightline that I'm waiting and for some Mupo Caliber 22 cartridges. While these cartridges seem awesome for the price, unfortunately I don't find reviews, neighter people that uses them. In Portugal, Mupo has absolutely no expression but from my research, seems to be quite a good brand.

Using the translate, read about that several users from that have them and they even had some issues on the beginning.


This kit seems to came already with some issues fixed, like K9.5 + K8.5 springs and new spacers, but read that people here are not using the recommended oil level (130mm) but a little bit more (120mm or 110mm).

Not sure also if these springs are the best for me, as I've 90Kg without clothes+gear.


Would like to know if who has these cartridges are happy with them, and if possible, which changes they've made if not using Mupo recommendations.


Cheers from Portugal and enjoy your ride!!!




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